by Sandy Paiement on Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 1:16pm

This is the story of how a young horse came to be called "Eagle".....
The hot sun had been beating down on the vast, dry midwest prairie. As it was only very early spring, there was not much grass yet and the small herd of horses were hard pressed to find water to drink. But they somehow knew that conditions would change soon, and they seemed to be patiently waiting for that change...milling about and sniffing the air.
Suddenly, the sun became blocked out by huge, black thunderheads. The hot air seemed to bristle and the horses grew wide eyed and restless. Crack! The lightning ripped through the sky and struck a big ponderosa pine tree, splitting it in two and setting it ablaze.
The horses were stricken with fear and set to running as fast as they could from the burning tree. The water poured down from the heavens and soon there were great torrents of water flowing through the plains.
Soon, the wind died down and the rain stopped falling and once again, the sun's warm rays danced off the prairie.
A young warrior named "Walking Dove" had been caught in this great storm, and had taken cover beneath his buffalo robe. When the rain finally ended, he picked his things up and headed for home.
On his way, he came upon a sight that troubled him. There, out on the open range, lay a newborn paint horse foal, struggling to get to its feet. "The storm must have frightened the horses and they've all run off, leaving this baby behind", Walking Dove thought to himself. "Poor thing hasn't got a chance if those horses don't come back for him."
He started toward the foal to help it out of its dilemma. Just then, he heard a loud whoosh! A great eagle flew over his head and charged straight towards the young horse. Walking Dove couldn't believe what he saw next, for that eagle had grasped the foal by the neck and tried to fly off with it! Of course, the horse was too heavy for the eagle to carry and the eagle soon gave up trying. However, it seemed to get enough lift to raise the young horse to its feet.
Walking Dove ran to help the young paint, for there was blood all over its neck where the eagle had sunk his talons in the soft young flesh. "You are a very brave horse indeed!" said Walking Dove. "I am a warrior and you shall become this warrior's horse in battle! I give you the name "Eagle" for you have fought the mighty eagle and have won".
The young warrior called "Walking Dove" soon became named "Mighty Swift Rider", as he had raised this fine young paint horse to be the fastest and bravest horse in all the land, for many times they would be first in the charge against the enemy or the great plains buffalo.
Eagle the paint horse was loved by everybody for her fearless, but gentle nature.
There came a day when this great horse fell ill and died, but the memories of all who loved Eagle would keep her alive forever.
Written in loving memory of Eagle, the paint mare.
By Sandra Paiement
Christine Tipper's mom
(written for Christine after the death of our beloved Eagle)