Tuesday, 10 May 2011


by Sandy Paiement on Monday, September 7, 2009 at 9:38pm (from facebook)
Faith in oneself is easy when you are deep inside a black hole of spiritual and emotional vacuity. All you really need is faith in your own ability to survive. It is comforting to realize that and it is so easy to remain there where no one can touch you, and where no one can hurt you. It is tempting to go back again to that safe place, once you've escaped the void and find it is difficult to have faith in something bigger than yourself and discover it is too painful to withstand the world outside. That is what faith does - it tests you to the limits of your ability to hold onto that which you believe to be truth. Faith! It is a bitch!

What is truth anyway? Is it the good feelings coming from the meanderings of one's mind engaged in wishful thinking? Or is it the slap in the face one feels when your gut tells you the dream is over! Mind over gut - which is it?
The following updates were posted by me at certain times along this path:

September 8, 2009
Tempting as it may be to be safe, it is far better to put yourself
on the line and take a risk. To not give up when the ride gets a little bumpy. To have faith in that which IS bigger than yourself. To humbly accept that not everything is everything is under your control. To believe in what you know to be true and to stay with that. 

The gut does not have a brain. The fear generated by uncertainty makes the gut churn and deliver false messages to your brain. It is the heart that will be the informer of truth. Keep the faith and the truth will be revealed.

October 2, 2009 at 7:44pm  
I reiterate all of the above.

Uncertainty still remains, however, an understanding of the reasons why it does so goes a long way towards mitigating the physical gut churning that usually accompanies not knowing all the answers.

February 25, 2010 at 8:52pm 
So here it is, nearly 5 months since I last made an entry on this note. And, I still reiterate all of the above...but what is different now is an acceptance of the ways of faith. We never will know all the answers. And I am comfortable with that. And I am comfortable with my intuitiveness. And I am comfortable with MY truth. And no one can take that away from me, no matter what. 

June 23, 2010 at 4:06 pm 
My faith remains unshaken - after ten months of insightful meanderings into this matter of faith and its meaningful place at this time in my life.  There are truths that have revealed themselves a piece at a time, re-enforcing this commitment to my faith.  Ultimately, like a jig-saw puzzle being put together, these truths will present themselves as a whole reality.

May 10, 2011 at 10:40 am
My faith is shaken.  I am beginning to see now that faith is just something that keeps you stuck in a groove of unreality.  What you know to be true is perhaps merely an hallucination or delusion of your own construct - or could it be that you simply really haven't listened to your own truth?

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