Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Stop and smell the roses along the way...

by Sandy Paiement on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 8:21pm

You only get one go around in this life, so you might as get enjoyment out of it, no matter what you go through, good and bad. Make the best of it, keep on a' trucking through it all, and remember to have fun every day. Forget the shit and angst. It only drags you down.

I guess that's how I survived all these years....and I feel young too. Nothing ages you like depression, anger, negativity, and ill will.

Forgiveness is the key - grant it willingly to those whom you perceive may have injured you. Perception is key too. Look to the reasons why things happen the way they do. You might get a different perspective on everything.

We are the makers of our own destiny. Acknowledge that things you have done have had a direct impact on what has happened in our lifetime, welcomed or not. We have the power to influence how we are perceived in the minds of others, and as a result, how we are treated by others in return.

I am finding this out, in the late years of my life. I didn't believe that I could be cherished, or loved, or have an influence on the well being of others until I finally let go of my self loathing. My eyes have been opened up to the wonderful presence of self, and my role in this life.

For the people around me have taken notice of my presence in their life, and are happier for it.

What a great revelation this has been for me.

Sandy Paiement
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